Tuesday, March 16


the will to blog (and PRAY)

i'm back (i hope) from a long silence. i've been so tired of struggling for basic resources for our church plant vision... yet in the struggle, god has made our vision stronger and clearer. it is so exciting, it breaks my heart...

i'm still being exhausted by this rock up a hill push into it. all the talk about wanting to reach out to the 'next generations' in our tribes is constantly hampered by modern systems still forming committee after committee, to study and study... but is reluctant to take a crazy (incarnational) risk to shake loose some 'missional venture' capital on a real 'next generation' mission and it's god driven dreams.

too often i lose the will to blog, as all my energies go toward maintaining the dream.

It takes much spiritual energy to see beyond the lack of basic resources to the drop dead beautiful mission god is birthing and which i have the awesome priviledge of 'attending.'

sophia acousomen (wisdom, let us attend).

it is lent. this is the desert. it is parching. i continue to hope, to have faith and to PRAY, as easter is coming.

now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen (hebrews 11:1)

posted by COTA | 7:21 AM|

 ::church planting :: culture surfing::


vintage faith
eln (lutheran network)
episcopal xers
a kingdom space
stuff to read
lutheran xers forum
northwest brews
emerald city search
geek nirvana

 church plant i.p.o.

my church plant (apostles, seattle) has little funds, but big dreams... we are seeking to raise $200,000 to launch a non-profit cafe/art gallery for god in seattle. we need both small and major donors. click below to make a tax deductible donation. if you are a major donor, please contact me off blog at: karen@apostleschurch.org

 book club

i ain't oprah, but here we go...

digital storytellers by len wilson and jason moore: at last, a book to save the world from the "modernist use of powerpoint in worship hell." if you want to torpedo boring ppt. bulleted sermon points from a modernist pastor who thinks he or she is now hip because he or she is using technology, read this book! better yet, buy the book and send it to the modernist pastor and do his/her congregation a big favor. read digital storytellers

gen x religion, ed by richard w. flory & donald e. miller, provides an accurate "npr like" documentation of religion, as actually practiced by xers, and even reflects theologically on xer subsets (like the goths) and on the phenomenon of piercing among us.
and, unlike many other xer books (filled with clever quips by boomers about xers), this book was written by serious sociologists of religion (many of them xers) who actually researched and studied churches founded by and for xers. amazing and authentic...
read gen x religion

 blogging team
iggie online
alan creech
kevin rains
jonny baker
andrew careaga
punk monkey

 the gardner
i'm karen ward. i'm baptized.
i'm cascadian (from the pacific northwest of north america).
my house is in seattle.
i like my house.
you would too,
so drop by and visit sometime.
i'm postmodern (a 60's born xer).
i can be geeky
(but i'm NOT socially backward).
i webmeister emergingchurch
i'm helping with a new
lutheran network called eln
i'm digging dirt around a
nu church plant, called

 church of the month
landing place

 contact me
send e-mail

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